sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

Me deram um post de presente

Desde que fiz um blog me confronto com a idéia de não saber sobre o que escrever. Tenho muitas opiniões sobre muitos assuntos e fenômenos diversos, mas nunca consigo focar os meus posts em um assunto ou universo específico. Durante minhas buscas pelo mundo da internet me deparei com um post de um outro blog que literalmente me trouxe não só um, mas vários posts de presente. Hoje vou escrever sobre o número 40 da lista de 100 tópicos propostos: "Ten Guilty Pleasures".
Acho que a primeira coisa que todo mundo adora fazer, mas sempre esquece da existência é estourar plástico bolha. Não existe coisa mais terapêutica do que apertar aquelas bolinhas fantásticas e ouvi-las estourar. Acho que a melhor invenção do mundo seria uma casa completamente forrada de plástico bolha. Piso, portas, cama, cadeiras e sofás forrados com essa maravilha do mundo moderno.
Um prazer que talvez nem precise ser mencionado é comer. Talvez essa lista teria que ser apenas de prazeres culinários e mesmo assim nenhuma lista no mundo conseguiria esgotar a quantidade infinita de guloseimas incrívelmente saborosas que existem por aí. Hoje no almoço me deparei com um prazer gastronômico que todo brasileiro já experimentou e se deliciou mas não sei porque ele sempre fica esquecido: o creme de milho. Essa maravilha combina com qualquer coisa, é doce e salgada, simples e elaborada ao mesmo tempo. Só tenho a dizer que o meu almoço de hoje foi divino graças ao creme de milho. 
Um outro guilty pleasure que não pode deixar de ser mencionado (por mais sádico que ele seja) é assistir uma outra pessoa cair. Não é a toa que as vídeos cassetadas ainda animam o domingo de muita gente mesmo que o tombo seja repetido milhares de vezes. Assistir uma pessoa tropeçando, se atrapalhando, se esburrachando é incrívelmente prazeroso. 
Como quarto e quinto da lista o prazer inenarrável de tomar água quando se está com sede e de fazer xixi quando se está com vontade nem precisa ser comentado. Aproveitando essa lista gostaria de declarar que umas das melhores coisas que existem são os edredons. Nada melhor do que dormir com eles no friozinho e assistir a um filminho completamente submerso na fofura de um edredon.
Como sétimo prazer quero fazer você se lembrar de como é bom comprar alguma coisa nova. Não adianta dizer que você escapa desse comportamento por que usa roupas usadas, anda descalço.e não  coopera com esse mundo satânico capitalista. Não existe ser humano neste mundo que nunca babou em uma vitrine e que nunca tenha sentido aquela sensação incrível de carregar uma sacolinha ou de sentir o cheiro de novo de um livro, ou experimentar uma roupa com etiqueta. Não importa o que você compra, o que é novo é sempre mais prazeroso.
O oitavo guilty plesure não poderia deixar de ser comer chocolate. Essa maravilha do mundo do açúcar deixa qualquer um inteiramente tomado por uma vontade incontrolável de ficar comendo chocolate para todo o sempre. Como nono prazer fica ir ao cinema. Aquela tela imensa faz você entrar em qualquer mundo, um dia pirata e no outro super herói o cinema não precisa se esforçar pra ser incrível. Se tiver uma pipoca e guaraná então se torna um programa perfeito. 
Não sei como terminar essa lista. Na verdade existem milhões de coisas que são estupidamente prazerosas. Acho que a deixa do "estupidamente" disse tudo. Uma cerveja estupidamente gelada é definitivamente um guilty pleasure digno de um top 10. Então aproveite que hoje é sexta-feira e tome uma cervejinha com os amigos dando gargalhadas (11), jogando conversa fora (12) e de quebra faça um churrasquinho (13) e também um...

domingo, 5 de junho de 2011

The House of Sand

I watched a brazilian movie called House of Sand and it features two of my favorite brazilian actresses, who are mother and daughter. Fernanda Montenegro e Fernanda Torres are just perfect in this movie that sets place in the beginning if the 20th century at an amazing scenery in Brazil: Os Lençóis Maranhenses. Its basically a desert that changes constantly with the wind and it is really isolated, specially at the time that the movie is set. The story starts with the journey of this family to this place after the husband, Vasco, bought some land in the desert. He takes his wife, Áurea and her mother to live there. The story starts when everyone that is working for Vasco runs away and leave them alone completely isolated without any communication with the outside. This movie is about a journey of Aurélia to go back to civilization. But it is much more than that. It is a journey of choice between a kind of life that doesn't need anything material, and a life outside of that, the life as we know it. 
For years Áurea fights to get out of that place, to escape life as it is hoping that something different than that will be better. It made me think how we all do that. It doesn't really matter where we live, what we do, who we are or relate to, we always chase this dream of something better. It is always based on a past memory or something that we saw on tv or in a movie, or even of what we dream of having and being. I don't know if that is good or bad but I think that it may be too much of an obsession sometimes. Everything around us tells us to be different than we are, even if its to be skinnier, healthier, wealthier...Different can always be good to keep us walking, giving us an incentive to continue our journeys, but the same is great too, it gives us a certainty of who we are and why we are like that, it gives us time. Isn't time all we've been looking for? 
I've been living away from what I call home for a while and all I wanted when I came here was to make things different, to change my life in some way. Being away only made me think how I like being where I was. I probably needed to have this experience to realize this. I think I will probably be back home thinking how I wanted to be here. I think we are just naturally unsatisfied. Áurea gave me something to think: she gave up. She just accepted that the desert was what she was and where she was and she just stayed. I'm not sure if she was happy but I don't think happiness exists. I think happiness is something that comes and goes. I don't believe happiness is something we are, I think happiness is something we have for a specific moment or period in our lives and that it changes all the time. So why chase it so obsessively? Why not just accepting that and enjoying it when we have it? After all, the sand moves so quickly that what we call home will change all the time and it is completely out of our control. The moment we have the sand in our hands, it slips through our fingers and we have nothing again. I think I'll change when the sand requires me to. That will be my choice.

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

Run, this place in on fire

I've been living in England for the past few months and there are a lot of things that intrigue me. I know this is normal when you come from a different culture, I know that human beings always compare their lives with the ones from other human beings and the grass is always greener on the other side...
However, there are still things that intrigue me anyway. Culture apart, lets talk about how weird is the obsessiveness of English people with fire alarms. The second night I was sleeping in this country the fire alarm of my building went off at 3 in the morning. By the way, it was not a fire. I woke up so lost and disorientated walked out of the building out of the fire exit, went down the stairs and completely forgot it was winter. It takes about a life time to wait for the fire fighters to check every room in a big building, and of course, as a matter of security we need to wait outside. No problem with that, the fire fighters are probably the professionals that I respect the most. What I do not respect is the kind of sensitiveness of the fire alarms in britain. My god, those things go off with steam of showers, hair dryers, hair spray, deodorant...I actually think that they could go off with a sneeze, or a blink...
Do you know that story that when you do something so many times, people start believing that lie? That's what is going to happen do britain. Someone is going to get burned. I arrived in january and probably the fire alarm in my building has gone off about 10 times. And there was one time that it was a drill. There was one time I was literally IN the shower, washing my hair and the thing started going and oh great, now I have to get out of the shower, put some clothes on and out of the building and all of that in three minutes because that's a security measure. Try to tell people that fires are dangerous, and if something is burning just get out of the building as quick as you can, just do it, say that in three minutes. I just did and it was way easier than doing drills and making fire alarms that can sense your thoughts!
That curse chased me so hard that when I was in Ireland the thing went of with the steam of my shower and I wasn't even in my room in England! My god! The fire alarms are such ninjas that they turn you into one. I sleep with my coat and shoes close to my bed, I open and close the bathroom door so that the steam doesn't set it off so quickly that you wouldn't believe your eyes. Be aware, if you are ever in England you won't get burned but you will get annoyed and develop the most unusual skills. When you hear the sound, you will know,
After this crazy obsession to understand why they are so concerned with fires I was at the office today working and as usual I checked my emails and there it was, an email to all employees saying that tomorrow they are going to be testing the fire alarm starting from 8.30 am and that it will last for a few hours. They were recommending all the people in the office to ignore the fire alarm and don't evacuate the building. Decision much? Go figure.  

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

I saw a cake and did not want to eat it

I was traveling from Liverpool to Ireland, very happy, very excited! I went through security and when I got to Duty Free I scanned through the make-up section as I always do. I didn't buy anything and continued my journey through the same old airport routine. Coffee, check the screen to see if the gate is open, another coffee, another check...another coffee and...GO TO GATE
I know you are wondering where did I saw the damn cake, are reading a story about an airport, there is always a wait. And to answer your wonders, no, I didn't see a cake at Starbucks, I always want to eat their cakes! I'll continue.
I went to the gate, passport in hands, boarding pass, backpack, and then...I saw it, the cake, from behind. I gave my passport and boarding pass at the gate and then I saw the cake, this time from the front. I saw its face...
Well, not exactly. Lets just say that it is impossible to see someone's face with that amount of make-up. Don't get me wrong, I'm a woman therefore I like make-up, I enjoy testing new products, I like having fun talking about it with my friends, I like it because sometimes it makes me feel good. This person, aka THE CAKE, had such beautiful blue eyes and sadly it was impossible to notice them. It was like someone got a big brush, the ones that we use to paint a wall and dipped it in paint (the ones that we use to hide anything) and finally applied the thick, paint to their skin. Hiding here is probably the right choice of words. I thought that make-up had the purpose of enhancing something, not hiding it. Fake eyelashes, please people STOP using fake eyelashes, everyone knows if fake, it is definitely not pretty, and no, it does not make you beautiful. And what's up with the whole hair spray thing here in the UK? Can someone explain that to me? I think hair spray is a new kind of drug that people inject to their bodies and it makes your hair grow (not bigger, not longer) HIGHER during the night. I think it is a competition between girls to see who would make it higher without making it collapse or either is a competition to see who can keep a bird's nest in their hair longer. I don't know, but I wouldn't like to find out what's inside those buns.
That cake was the most shocking thing I saw on my weekend away in Ireland and I went drinking in Dublin and it wasn't as shocking as that cake. Seriously, that must be something wrong with the world. Actually there must be something wrong with women, specially british young girls, that start wearing make-up when they have no breasts, older girls that think that no one notices that their fake ten is FAKE, young women that think if they wear clothes that are lets say, "insinuating" they will look cool or that it will make them look like a true woman.
I'll say something about true women. Truth is knowing that you live in England and the sun will come out to actually give you a real ten maybe once a year, truth is believing that there are a lot of ugly people in the world and they WILL look even uglier with a huge amount of products in their face. And if you thought I was going to say 'believe in yourself', 'you re beautiful in your own way', you were wrong, as I said there is a bunch of ugly people in this world and unfortunately ugly people are not welcome or something so...GO WASH YOUR FACE, look at yourself in the mirror and EDIT. Just choose two products apply them like you want to improve something that exists, highlight your beauty, don't hide it and please don't fake it. And also always eat cake.